Lead Facilitator at a digital co-creation conference

The Co-Creation Conference of 2021, “Engaging in Knowledge Translation Together” was organised for the second time by Share-Net International and in 2021 was hosted by Share-Net Bangladesh. The conference took place from 25th to 28th of January and the 3rd of February 2021 on a digital platform giving over 75 people from all around the world the opportunity to join.
This innovative, dynamic event was a working conference where participants developed concrete and evidence-informed knowledge products that used for influencing policy and practice at the national and global level.
As a lead facilitator of the conference I got the chance to contribute towards the design the co-creation methodology using Miro and train group facilitators to guide participants through the collaborative process. The conference was successful, resulting in 8 knowledge products being funded by the Share-Net Small Grants Initiative.
More information on Share-Net International and the conference can be found here.