Questions Jam
Invite the collective intelligence in the group space as you all play a questions jam session. What if we deliberately stay in an inquiry by living the questions and suspend the urge to look for answers?
Invite the group to get still and present using a breathing exercise or a meditative practice. Within the practice weave in for the participants to welcome a question that is very much alive within them at this moment. This question can be any kind of open question related to a current challenge or dilemma that’s present in our heart, body, or mind. Invite all to breathe into their question, and if there’s no question that’s alive at the moment that’s also ok.
Welcome everyone to the questions jam session as you introduce the following guidelines. A short demo with one could help for the participants to grasp the process.
- Question giver: Shares question 3 times. Allows for stillness.
- Inquirers: Listen and respond with OPEN questions only. There are no turns, it’s popcorn style, whenever one feels pulled to ask.
- Question giver: Receives questions and experiences them, not responding. Feels when he/she/they received enough and shares gratitude by voicing “Thank you”.
Then invite for the next one to go, and do a couple of rounds till either all have their turn or the allocated time is up.
After you are done with ‘jamming’ invite everyone to look at their question and see if it’s still the same or there’s the need to change it. You can close the activity with a short journaling session.
Need help with facilitation?

Thank youfor your interest and curiosity!
Let’s get in touch and explore how we can journey together.