Re-kindling your team connection

The post-pandemic reality is emerging, change of life is about to settle again. Coming back to what used to be, is an illusion. We are coming back different, older, hopefully, wiser, and yet likely feeling a bit awkward in social settings and less connected with your team and colleagues than ever before.
This time of change (again!) can be seen as yet another challenge or an opportunity for your team at work to re-connect. Likely, in the past year and a half of perpetual lockdowns, remote working and uncertainty have drained the team connection. Everyone has been affected physically, mentally, and even spiritually – some had it worse, while others better. The bottom line is that a lot has happened, people and positions have changed, new conditions and context have emerged.
So what is it going to be…
Team crisis or team building?
Times of change can be a great team challenge for bonding, so why not take this opportunity to re-connect with your team. Recognizing the need to reflect and process all that has happened, realize your current potential and align on the journey ahead could be exactly what you might need to move forward.
Here’s a suggestion what you and your team could do to re-kindle your connection:
Connecting Welcome everyone to show up whole, just as they are
Build excitement for the journey and invite people to show up authentically by sharing the honest “why” behind the journey. If there are new people on the team, spending time for all to get to know each other is a wise investment for collaboration to flourish.
Naming Reflect together on the extraordinary experience of the past year and a half
Understanding what people have gone through can create a vulnerable and brave space for connection. This should not be about complaining, but rather storytelling of the ways the lives, views, or each and everyone’s world has changed. What has each learned? What have we, as a team learned by working remotely?
Shaping Anchor in the present moment
Recognize who is in this team here and now, bring clarity why this constellation matters. Revisit, re-shape, and revive the team values acknowledging the potential of the team.
Framing Set intentions for the future
Taking into consideration annual plans, targets and ambitions, explore how do these values translate to your collaboration for the current projects or future endeavors. Set individual and team intentions, not only for how you wish to work, but also be together so all can show up at their best.
Playing And do all of it while you have fun together!
Make sure there is playfulness in the process, humor, colours, music, dance, good food, cocktails or even a fun outing you’ll all treasure as a valuable memory.