Inspiration Collection

Below you can find a compilation of gifts that have been brought into the world by individuals and organizations that have profoundly influenced my mindset and are aligned with the principles of my approach in work and life. Feast yourself on the abundance of genius that already exists in this world!

A phto of a post it that is saying: "Safe space for someone should not come at the costs of someone else's discomfort."

THE BRAVE SPACE: when we dare with care

Nina Pavlovska

How does one facilitate a brave space? One does not create such space with ice-breakers and energizers, but a curated process that builds multifaceted connections between all. Rather, we co-create a container that allows for the full humanness to show up: imperfect, messy, paradoxical, and yet appreciated for what it is. It’s a space that the facilitators and the participants shape together. An energetic field where we all lean into discomfort and dare with care.


Reclaim Your Creative Confidence

Tom Kelley and David Kelley

Most people are born creative. As children, we revel in imaginary play, ask outlandish questions, draw blobs and call them dinosaurs. But over time, because of socialization and formal education, a lot of us start to stifle those impulses.


We can humanize the ways we organize

Nina Pavlovska

Read the powerful insights generated from a conversation I had with Jos de Blok, the co-founder, and leader of Buurzorg, a pioneering health care organization, with a nurse-led self-organized model that provides holistic and patient-centered care.


Emergent Learning Jazz Sessions

Nina Pavlovska

Facilitation can be just like playing an instrument. First, you learn to play by the rules, then you forget the rules and play from the heart. Here are four valuable principles for facilitators to start jazzing up learning sessions.


Re-kindling your team connection

Nina Pavlovska

The post-pandemic reality is emerging, change of life is about to settle again. Coming back to what used to be, is an illusion. We are coming back different, older, hopefully, wiser, and yet likely feeling a bit awkward in social settings and less connected with your team and colleagues than ever before.


Learning to listen deeply

Daniel Christian Wahl

When we explore collective intelligence and wisdom, we should not make the mistake of assuming that only fellow humans can inform insights, provide evidence and support decisions.


Dancing With Systems

Donella Meadows

We can’t control systems or figure them out. But we can dance with them!


Decentering User-Centered Design

Ted Hunt

A seismic social shift has taken place seeing much of humanity transition from a person to a user. We are all complicit in this shift. We each clicked ‘I agree’. We perpetuate and propagate it. We are now the users, the using and the used.


Living the Questions

Daniel Christian Wahl

Our culture is obsessed with quick-fix solutions and immediate answers. Time is at a premium and we don’t want to waste it dwelling on questions.

The credo is: let’s get practical and not waste time with theory or philosophy! But how can you waste time with the ‘love of wisdom’? Is it not wisdom that will help us chart our path into an uncertain and unpredictable future? Do we not desperately need wisdom to respond wisely to the multiple converging crises around us?


share What inspires you?

Share a book, podcast series, a powerful quote, or anything that touched your heart and you strongly feel should be included in this Inspiration compilation. Let’s amplify greatness together!